Statistics and YTD statistics

The columns in the statistics part of the GM’s report show the following figures:


Figures of the processed day only


Accumulated figures of the month (from the 1st to the date processed)


Accumulated figures of the year (from the 1st day of the financial year to the date processed)

    Total monthly budget

Total budget for the current month (budgets are defined in the menu Master files – Hotel data – Set budget targets)

    Accumulated monthly budget

Targeted monthly budget up to the current hotel day

    % budget

Percentage of current month’s figures in relation to accumulated monthly budget

    Revenue/day to budget

Average daily figure that must be achieved from this date up to the end of the month in order make the target.

      Day previous year

Comparative figure of the same calendar date of the year before

      Month previous year

Comparative figure (accumulated monthly figure) of the same calendar date of the year before

      Previous year

Comparative figure (accumulated yearly figure) of the same calendar date of the year before

The lines in the statistics part of the GM’s report show the following figures:

      Gross revenue

Total revenue figure of the hotel, excluding expenses, transitory items and paid outs. This figure can be analysed in detail with reports such as Revenue by revenue accounts or by posted services.

    Room revenue

Revenue produced by accommodation charges only. This is ususally revenue area 0000.

    Accommodation/room net

Average accommodation revenue per room, excluding complimentary rooms.

      Revenue areas

The report only shows areas that produced revenue, revenues without a production are not listed. For more information on revenue areas and how they are structured, see section Master files.


In order for these figures to be calculated correctly, the account classes must be configured accordingly (registry key [1622]). Normally, account class 07 is for expenses, 08 is for transitory items and 09 is for paid outs.


Guests are counted as “comp” if their person type in the reservation is one starting with 5 (adults) or 6 (children). Thus, 5A is the usual person type for complimentary adult guests.

Use registry key [29154] to specify whether a room should be considered “comp” if at least one person in the room is complimentary or if all sharers in the room have to be on complimentary basis.

      % Occupancy

The occupancy percentage is usually calculated with the following formula:

100 * (sold + blocked) / total

You can select a different formula in the registry (see chapter section Administration - Registry).


The yield index is calculated as follows:

Revenue accommodation / (rooms occ. * budgeted room rate)

The figure for the budgeted room rate is calculated with this formula:

Budget accommodation / budget room

All figures are referring to the respective period. The best value for the yield index is 1.00.


The numbers of adults and children are counted by person types as entered in the reservations. Adult person types start with 1, 3, 5 or 7, children with 2, 4 or 6. For more information on person type definitions, see section Master files - Configuration.


Guests are counted as VIP’s if they have a VIP flag that has been defined as “real” VIP under registry key [29151].

    Length of stay

The average length of stay is calculated as follows:

Number of room nights / number of arrivals

The most meaningful figure here is the yearly average.

    Available beds

This figure is determined by the total number of beds entered in the room master files (tab Room data, field Beds). The figure shows how many guests could have been accommodated in the hotel’s regular beds in total.

    Underoccupied rooms

A room is counted as “underoccupied”, if the number of guests checked into the room is lower than the number of beds in the room as per the room master file.


When calling up the “normal” statistics as mentioned above, SIHOT shows the daily, monthly and yearly figures of the current year as well as the past year. In addition, the monthly budget figures are included.

Alternatively, you can call up the YTD statistics, where SIHOT lists the daily, monthly and yearly figures of the current year only, but includes the budgets per day, month and year.