Revenue accounts

The revenue accounts are usually the first master files that are set up during the installation of SIHOT. The reason for this is, that this data must available in order to set up other master files, such as service master files. Each service is allocated a revenue account. The same revenue account can be allocate to several services, or a different revenue account can be allocated to each service.

Services with varying VAT-rates should always be allocated different revenue accounts, especially when interfaced with an accounting software.

During the night audit, the program save revenues distributes the amounts charged for each service to the respective revenue accounts.

Figure 135: Revenue account master file

The field Production area provides another possibility of grouping the revenue accounts.

When interfaced with an accounting software, enter the financial accounting number and cost centre as advised by the accounting department.

The expander Balance type, shows the target accounts that are used to sort the revenues in the statistics. Target accounts can be entered only for functions that serialised accordingly.

The field Alternative can be used as follows:

    In connection with interfaces to online reservation systems such as SIHOT.XML, you can direct the revenues to different revenue account. For example, if the reservation is send via interface, the revenue will be posted to the alternative revenue account.

    When using online payment systems with tokens, this field contains an alternative revenue account in the deposit (i.e. transitory) area. By running the program Automatic settlement by cancellation type, SIHOT posts a prepayment to the alternative accounts. For further information on this subject, see section Interfaces - PDQ - Token handling.