The definitions for the different person types used at the hotel are entered in this dialog. The code numbers are provided by SIHOT and cannot be changed:
Nr. |
Person type |
1 |
Adults |
2 |
Children |
3 |
Others - adults |
4 |
Others - children |
5 |
Adults complimentary |
6 |
Children complimentary |
7 |
Other adults complimentary |
The entry in the field Age to (exclusive) is important, if the person type is determined automatically. It should be noted, that the age range it is assigned to applies to guests below that age.
In the children’s categories (2, 4 and 6), the position in the rate tables can be adjusted as required, up to a maximum of 7 different positions. The position for adults and other person types cannot be altered.
The flag Lock is used for person types that are not longer used, but are kept in the system for statistical reasons.
The field guest type assignment can change the standard SIHOT configuration of guest types if required. Normally, 2A denotes a child. If 2A is given the assignment adult, than this guest type is no longer considered a child. This is especially important for room-rate packages with a guest-type-related component list. The following assignments are available:
• Adult
• Child
• Military
• Senior citizen
• Adult complimentary
• Child complimentary
• Military complimentary
• Senior citizen complimentary
Figure 184: Persontype defintions