Invoice cancellation

The most important features of invoice overview are cancelling invoices and thereby reinstating deactivated accounts (setting the account status back to active).

Cancelled invoiced are marked with a Rebate level icon  in the column Cancellation.

For accounting and taxation purposes, any changes to an existing invoice must be recorded meticulously. In SIHOT, this is handled by different so-called rebate levels.

When cancelling an invoice on the same hotel date it was created, any rebate level may be used. If the invoice has been created earlier and has already appeared in the outgoing invoice journal, then only allowance levels 5 and 6 may be used. In this case, the entire invoice has to be contra posted on a misc. account.

The most commonly used rebate levels are 4 and 6. The other rebate levels are very much client or country specific and should be applied only where required.