Rebate level |
Function |
1 - Activate master account |
The master account only is re-activated, without cancelling the invoice. |
2 - Activate all accounts |
All accounts, which were settled together with this invoice, are re-activated, without cancelling the invoice. |
3 - Activate accounts, cancel payment |
This level is used to change the payment type with which an account has been settled. Changes regarding the postings or invoice holder are not possible when using this level. The settled account is re-activated and the payment is cancelled. The services posted are not affected and the invoice number remains the same. SIHOT issues a receipt regarding the payment(s) being cancelled. |
4 - Cancellation |
This rebate level can be used as long as the invoice has not been included in the outgoing invoice journal, which usually happens during the night audit. Therefore, it is generally only available on the same day the invoice was issued. The settled account is re-activated and the payment as well as the invoice number are cancelled. The invoice will appear in the outgoing invoice journal as “cancelled”. The original invoice is marked with a Cancelled–icon () in the Cancelled-column of the invoice overview. SIHOT issues a cancellation slip and the invoicing of all postings on the invoice will be reversed. You can now carry out rebates on postings or add new postings. The account is then settled with a new invoice number. |
5 - Credit on master account |
This level is used when an entirely new invoice must be issued to the guest. SIHOT automatically generates a misc. account and carries out contra-postings for all postings and payments on the original invoice. This misc. account must be settled and deactivated, producing a credit note with its own, new invoice number. The original invoice is still available for bookkeeping purposes. |
6 Counter posting + cancellation on master account |
This level not only cancels the invoice and generates contra-postings as in level 5, in addition, it automatically generates a cancellation invoice and re-posts all charges and previous payments on a new misc. account. Here, you can make any corrections that are necessary, before settling the account, thus creating a new invoice. See Rebate level 6 for detailed information on how to carry out this procedure. |
7 – Correcting individual postings |
Use this level to correct individual charges on an invoice. SIHOT automatically generates a corrective posting with a new invoice number. This rebate level can be used only if there is a payment on the account or if the balance on the account is zero. |
In rebate levels 6 and 7, you can assign a new invoice number within a specific number set for cancelled invoices. These invoice number sets must be setup in the registry accordingly.
The numbers of invoice number
sets 02 and 05 must never collide with the numbers of cancelled invoices, to
avoid mixing numbers of invoices that are not related.
When using rebate level 6, both the credit and the repeated postings are carried out on the same new misc. account.