Best available rate

BAR rates have a special setup in the package master file. There are different BAR-levels that will be applied in relation the hotel’s (projected) occupancy. The levels are on a BAR-container that contains the component list of the BAR.

In reservations, it is the BAR-container that is entered as the fix service package. Depending on which BAR-level is applicable at the time of the booking, SIHOT will automatically refer to the rate of this BAR-level. SIHOT will also freeze this rate in the reservation, in order to avoid any future fluctuations in the BAR affecting the rate confirmed to the client.

Which BAR-level is used on any day is determined in the layout BAR-definition (menu Master files - Yield management). This is where SIHOT displays which BAR-level should be applied on each day, based on its calculations. Here, you can manually adjust the calculated BAR-levels as and if required.

If you are working with the module SIHOT.Yield│Express, the daily application of a BAR-level follows the so-called yield scheme.