This program transfers the daily data from the POS system into the PMS system and posts the charges to an account.
NOTE: The posting is always carried out for the current hotel day. Therefore, corrections which are posted on the following day will only show in the following day’s revenue.
If SIHOT detects a service that cannot be posted, e.g. because the product groups do not exist in SIHOT, the template service will be used for posting and the description will include all parameters required to create a master file for this service.
Z POS | |
Options | |
Use these flags for interfaces with certain third party POS-systems |
POS Z posting | |
POS Z (RMS) and posting |
Start the Z POS for SIHOT.POS |
Call up item profile (RMS) |
Other requirements | |
Protocol: XCOM |
Enter the respective Interface (e.g. RMS) |