The room rack displays rooms as well as individual beds. By default, the room rack opens with only the room number showing. The downwards arrow next to the room number indicates that the room contains beds that can be let individually.
Ø Click the room number to extend the room rack and view the individual beds within this room.
The grey reservation bar indicates that one or more of the beds are already allocated to or occupied by guests. The reservation bars of the individual beds are shown in the reservation’s colour.
If the reservation is for the room – and not individual beds within the room – the reservation bar is shown in the colour of the reservation and also shows the guest’s and client’s name. In this case, the individual beds are blocked by grey bars on the room rack, even if there are fewer guests in the room than available beds.
Figure 6: Room and bed reservations in the room rack
Enable registry key [8884] to fully label the room reservations on the rack, showing not only the names of all guests on the rooming list, but also any empty beds.
Figure 7: Labelling of occupied and empty beds in a room reservation