
You can define different types of booking restrictions in the master files.

Restrictions on a package can be entered in the layout Service restrictions as well as in the package master file itself.

If web-interfaces are serialised, you can also enter restrictions for web services and web categories, which affect online bookings only. If a package is available for online bookings, you can also enter the web service restrictions in the package master file itself.

The interfaces to be displayed when entering web category or web service restrictions can be limited as required by configuring registry keys [32854] and [32855] accordingly. 

Restrictions of the type block and do not accept cannot be overridden during the reservation process and SIHOT does not allow reservations that would be affected by such a restriction be entered in the system.

Restrictions of the type inform and accept, however, can be entered in the system. In this case, SIHOT only displays a warning message for the user to be aware of the restriction and to act accordingly.

The date fields can be edited only during the set up of a restriction. Once the restriction has been saved, they are disabled.


Use the search dialog in the menu Master files - Restriction control to search for all types of restrictions during a specific period regardless of the type of restriction (except service and rate level allocations).

Figure 140: Restriction "super search"