Meal plan summary

The meal plan summary gives you an overview of the meals booked by guests according to their packages and fix services. The listing can also show any special meal requirements (vegan, vegetarian, etc.).

The meal plan summary is called up in the menu Housekeeping.

Ø Enter the date or period.

Ø Select the scope and order of data to be called up using the following parameters:

    Cumulative or detailed figures according to various options (combobox)

    Front Office reservations only

    Event reservations only

    Front Office and event reservations

    Guest types detailed or cumulative

    Special meal requirements detailed or cumulative (calculates Front Office reservations only)

Ø Click Search in the function pane.

Ø Sort the search results in the list box as required. For further information on arranging the contents of a listbox, refer to “The SIHOT user interface – Listbox.

Ø To print the summary, click Preview in the function pane.

Figure 32: Mealplan summary

Figure 33: Meal plan print

For guests with packages that contain breakfast, lunch, and dinnner in the component list, an additional column Including full board will be displayed.

Figure 36: Meal plan overview including full board guests