Posting additional (not booked) meals

If a guest has not booked any meals (within the package or fix services) or wants to pay for any additional meals taken by other guests, proceed as follows:

Ø Call up the guest’s room. Use the search fields Room or Name and click the search button  .

Ø Click Post additional meal .

Figure 45: Posting meals not included in the room rate or fix services

SIHOT displays the available services for the current meal type.

Ø Click the service to be posted. You can click the service as many times as applicable and/or click a combination of different services.

Ø If you’ve posted a service too many times by mistake, click Remove  to reduce the number. Alternatively, you can close this window - without posting anything - by clicking Exit .

Figure 46: Posting additional services

Ø Complete the posting using of these three buttons:

1.    Post to account  :

SIHOT opens a window for the guest to sign the guest check digitally. Afterwards, SIHOT posts the charges to the account.

2.    Print invoice  :

If you collect the charges directly, SIHOT issues an invoice you can print for the guest. 

3.    Send invoice :

With this option, you also collect the charges immediately, however, rather than printing the invoice, you enter an email address for the invoice to be sent to.

Figure 49: Sending the invoice by mail

Having charged the bill to the guest’s account, you can recall the signature provided by the guest in the column External document.

Figure 47: Calling up the guest's signature

When spooling the invoice before printing it, you can recall the invoice in the trails in the guest’s profile.

Figure 48: Spooled invoice in trails