Functions for guest and client accounts

A number of functions can be carried out by clicking the function-buttons next to the guest and client account windows:




Extended view

Opens an extended view of the listbox with additional columns and a search function for look-up specific charges.


Opens a dialog box to select a service or accommodation package to be posted to the account.


Opens a dialog box to carry out a rebate for the selected posting.


Opens a dialog box to add a comment or to change the following details of the selected posting:

- Description

- Invoice text

- Date of invoice

- Grouping

Split quantity

Opens a dialog box to split the selected service charge posting (quantity of 2 or more) into two separate postings.

For example: Split one posting of 5 items into two postings of 2 and 3 items respectively, in order to transfer one of these postings to another account.

Split amount

Opens a dialog box to split the charges of a posting into two separate postings.

For example: Split a posting of € 100.00 into two postings of € 50.00 each in order to transfer one of these postings to another account.

Amend amount

Opens a dialog box to correct postings with a wrong amount. The original posting will be contra-posted and a new posting with the correct amount will be made on the account.

Transfer posting

Transfers the selected posting from the guest account to the client account or from the client account to the guest account.

Distribute among sharers

Creates separate accounts for all sharers and distributes the highlighted charges evenly among them. See also Separate accounts for sharers.

Guest profile

The name below the guest and client accounts shows the invoice holder. The button next to the name opens the respective profile.

Post payment

Opens a dialog box to post a payment on the account.


Figure 37: Account function buttons