Charge unused allotments

This program posts the charges for any rooms within allotments, which were neither released nor taken up by a reservation. See section Reservations - Allotments for further details. These charges are posted to the misc. account as defined in the allotment.

The program is intended for guaranteed allotments only, where the contract stipulates that the unused rooms will be charged to the allotment holder. When working with release periods and if the scope of the allotment has been already reduced with the automatic allotment release, then SIHOT will only charge the actual difference between the current scope of allotment and the reserved rooms on this day.

The program includes the following steps:

    Check if the service for allotment has already been posted on the same day

    If this is the case, then the service will not be posted again.

    If this is not the case, then the service will be posted to the misc. account for each room remaining in the scope of the allotment