Changing the invoice holder after check-out

The invoice holder stated on the bill can be changed under following circumstances:

    the invoice has not been cancelled.

    the invoice was not created automatically after using rebate level 6 or 7.

If the invoice was already included in the outgoing invoice journal or if the invoice was settled on debit, SIHOT will conduct an invoice cancellation using rebate level 6 and create a new invoice. In this case, the user must h ave the appropriate user rights to carry out a rebate with level 6.

The invoice holder cannot be changed if the invoice contains a deposit posting.

Ø Highlight the respective invoice in the invoice overview.

Ø Click Change invoice holder in the function bar.

SIHOT opens the guest profile search.

Ø Search for the new invoice holder among the existing profiles or create a new profile.

Ø Highlight the invoice holder or the respective contact person within the company and click Select to close the search.


Figure 104: Selecting a new invoice holder with contact person

In the invoice overview, you can now print a copy of the invoice with the new invoice holder or send it by email.

To check the invoice holder is correct, call up the tooltip on the invoice number (button ).


Figure 105: Invoice holder changed

Figure 106: Tooltip on invoice number showing the invoice holder

To change the invoice holder before the guest checks out or before settling a paymaster, you can adjust the payment instructions as required in the account itself (see  Accounts for more information).