Yield scheme

A yield scheme contains the information as to which BAR should be applied up to which occupancy level. Set-up a number of different yield schemes for a variety of uses, for example during trade shows, main-, low- and off-season.

Yield schemes are set up in the master files (menu Master files – Yield management).


The cheapest BAR BAR1 can be booked up to 35% occupancy, thereafter the medium rate BAR2 applies up to 50% occupancy and once this occupancy level has been reached, guests will be able to book only at the most expensive rate BAR3.


Ø To enter a new occupancy level definition, click Add  next to the listbox.

SIHOT opens a dialog box to enter the new scheme.

Ø To amend an existing definition, click Edit  next to the listbox.

SIHOT opens a dialog box to amend the scheme on the selected date.

Ø To delete an existing definition, click Delete  next to the listbox. 

Ø To save your changes, click Modify in the function pane.

It is recommended to also enter a definition for occupancy rates above 100% in case of overbookings.

Figure 22: Yield scheme layout

Highlight a line in the listbox and click BAR-level in the function pane to open the respective package master file.