There are two options:
• No posting on departure date:
This is the default-setting.
• Post package on departure date:
The package will be posted in advance during the night audit prior to the departure date.
Normally, packages are posted during the night run on a daily basis for the current day. However, conference centres often charge a flat rate for the participants that includes the period from Monday to Friday, i.e. the participant pays the delegate rate for five days, even though the departure is on Friday.
Using the field Type of posting, you can define that the package applies also to the day of the departure. This prompts the program Post fix services to check if the guest is departing the next day. So, if the guest departs on a Friday, SIHOT will post the charges for Thursday as well as Friday during Thursday’s night audit. The posting for Friday’s charges will show in the protocol of Post fix services on Friday and the revenue will also be distributed to Friday accordingly.
In addition, you may combine the Type of posting with a Posting frequency. If the fix service for the last day is different from the previous days, you create a new package master with Type of posting = post package on departure date and Posting frequency = day of departure only.