Standard forecast

A standard forecast (menu Sales & Marketing) can be called up for any given period according to different revenue areas and/or reservation types. Each day within the requested period is listed separately showing the reservations for individual, company and agency bookings. A summary is printed at the end together with the average figures.



Use this option to include all reservations.

Unused (tentative) allotments, (tentative) allotment confirmed, (tentative) groups, (tentative) group block offer, (tentative) timeshares

Use these options to evaluate individual reservation types. Untick the option Reservation, so that only the selected reservation type is shown in the forecast.

Referring to guest

Use this option to obtain APRs (Average Person Rate) instead of ARRs (Average Room Rate).

Consider only specified reservation types

Use this option to obtain figures for specific reservation types only. Select the reservation types in the Extended selection pane.

Ignore day-use rooms

Use this option to exclude daylet rooms.

Per day

Use this option to print one section for each day within the requested period.

Evaluate events

Use this option to include functions booked in the event module SIHOT.C&B.

Occupancy without complimentarys

Use this option to exclude complimentary rooms.



Choose between gross and net figures.

Extended selection:

Revenue area

Select one or more revenue area(s) for the forecast.


Figure 46: Calling up the forecast

Figure 47: Forecast extract