Selecting profiles

To create a list of profiles according to selected parameters, proceed as follows:

Ø Highlight a parameter in the left window of the tab Selection. Use the filter function to search for a specific parameter. The selection parameters are divided into the groups Guest data, History and Trails.

Ø Enter the respective value in the middle window using the following operators:




unequal to

e.g. City != London

Does not list any guests from London.

smaller than

e.g. Stays < 3

Lists all guests with less than 3 stays.


smaller than or equal to

e.g. Stays <= 3

Lists all guests with 3 or less stays.



e.g. Guest type == individual guest

Only lists individual guests.

larger than

e.g. Stays < 3

Lists all guests with more than 3 stays.


larger than or equal to

e.g. Stays <= 3

Lists all guests with 3 or more stays.


within an area

e.g. Phone in 02000000000 | 02099999999

Lists all guests whose phone number starts with area code 020.

not in

excluding an area

e.g. e.g. Phone not in 02000000000 | 02099999999

Lists all guests whose phone number does not start with area code 020.



e.g.: Mother company like GUBSE

Lists all companies containing the letters “GUBSE” in their name, such as GUBSE International, GUBSE AG, GUBSE Valencia, etc.

In comparison: Mother company == GUBSE would list only mother companies called GUBSE, but not GUBSE International, GUBSE Valencia, etc.


Ø Set the search parameter by clicking Add .

By default, the search also includes deleted guests. This parameter is set automatically when opening the guest selection; however, if this is not required, you can remove it by clicking Delete .

Use the field Scope to include one or all contact persons of company profiles in a selection on companies. To create an individual data set for the/each contact person linked to the company profile, activate the toggle-button Separate record.

Ø Click Search .

Figure 8: Entering parameters for a guest selection

SIHOT opens the tab Guest selection preview with all profiles corresponding to the search parameters.

Figure 9: List of selected profiles