
When entering the reservation, the normal rate will show until New or Modify are clicked. SIHOT then checks the applicable offers and rates schemes and re-calculates the rate.

Ø Check the Promo code field for the applied tracking codes.

Ø Click Rate scheme comments in the function pane to open a quick information box on the applied rate scheme.

Ø Click Preview postings to check free-night offers or call up the tooltip in the expander Packages.

Figure 165: Rate scheme in a reservation

Figure 166: Free nights offer applied

You can also directly assign other applicable rate schemes and specials to a reservation in a special dialog box as follows:

Ø Click Offers in the function pane to call up the dialog box.

The dialog box shows the rate schemes and specials applicable to the reservation.

Ø To call up additional schemes or specials, enter their respective release and/or access codes and click Search in the function pane. You can search for multiple codes by separating them with a comma.

Ø To view the comments of a scheme or special, highlight the respective entry in the listbox.

Ø To assign or to remove a scheme or special, highlight the respective entry in the listbox and click one of the arrows  accordingly.

Ø To apply a scheme or special for a limited period within the guest’s stay, highlight the scheme in the listbox with the assigned offers and enter the dates from – to below the listbox.

Ø Click Save in the function pane to assign the offers to the reservation.

Figure 167: Assigning offers to a reservation