The following registry keys are configured as required:
•Loyalty points on gross revenue [5317]:
Enable this entry if the gross revenue should be converted into points. Do not enable if points should be calculated on net revenue only.
•Factor to calculate revenue in loyalty points [5318]:
E.g. 100 = 100 points will be awarded for each € 1.00 of revenue.
•Rounding factor [5319]:
Enter a rounding factor, e.g. 1.0 for full figures only.
•Automatically ask for Loyalty card data at check-in [6360]:
If enabled, SIHOT checks upon check-in, if the guest is already a loyalty card holder. If not, an enrolment query will be displayed.
•Show zero-point invoices [2304]:
If enabled, all invoices will be shown in the tab Loyalty points, even if they didn’t yield any points.
Figure 22: Configuration for points calculation