There are a number of registry keys to be used to adjust the report as required. For example:
•No locals [5309]:
The report will only print guests with a different country code than the hotel’s country code.
•Display entries linked to a guest profile only [6374]:
•Check for duplicate entries [6375]:
•Disregard date of birth [6715]:
If activated, the report will also include guests under the age of 16, as SIHOT will not check the guests’ date of birth.
•Hotel name for police report [7795]:
This entry defines the name as it will appear on the report. If it is left blank, the hotel name will appear on the report as defined in the hotel master file.
•Suppress duplicates in the export file [7796]:
Occasionally, the police report prints duplicate lines, e.g. if a guest is entered more than once in a reservation. Use this registry key to suppress identical lines so that only one record is printed.
•Always delete police report entries if check-in is cancelled [40780]:
This key must be enabled if check-ins are cancelled after running police report and if the police report is then called up again for the respective date.
•Compulsory fields - keys [800200] to [800222]:
Use these registry keys to define the compulsory fields in the registration layout.
•Generic field [811226]:
In this key, you can define another field to be included in the pollice report, together with its respective figures. The following fields are available:
o Market segment
o Reservation source
o Reservation medium
o Channel 4
o Channel 5
o Rate segment
o Person type
•Generic field - mapping [811227]:
You can change the text of the value of the field selected in registry key [811226] by entering a mapping in this key.
•Check compulsory fields for group types separately [55545]:
If enabled, you can define different compulsory fields depending on the guest's group or family definition (group leader, group member, head of family, family member or individual traveller). This is especially important for Italian installations.
You can then specify which fields are compulsory for which type of guest under the heading Compulsory fields [5036].
Figure 44: Compulsory field definitions for police report