The following registry keys can be used to customise hotel procedures:
• If allotment-overbookings are generally allowed, enable registry key Allow allotment overbooking [29131]. If the entry is not enabled, the number of contracted rooms cannot be exceeded.
• If overbookings are permitted, registry key Increase allotment automatically to accommodate higher reservation demand [5488] will automatically raise the number of rooms in the allotment to include the extra rooms.
• Registry key Automatically reduce allotment if reservation is cancelled [5810] determines whether cancelled rooms are returned into the allotment’s or the hotel’s availability. In addition, you can also enable registry key [41561] which ensures that the number of rooms according to contract is never undercut by cancellations.
• Enable registry-entry [9433] to define that rooms being released from an allotment reservation will reduce the scope of allotment, if cancelled within the release period.
• You will be able to accept reservations before and after the contract period by entering a number of days under registry keys allotment tolerance before [5946] and allotment tolerance after [5947].
For example: Set registry key [5947] to 3. You are now able to enter a reservation from allotment, even if the check-out will be up to three days after the end of the contract period.
• Use the new registry-key [6172] to configure the types of allotments and/or group blocks to be available for selection when setting up a new allotment or group block. If left blank, all types are available.
• Registry key [815113] ensures that rooms which fall into the already released period (e.g. by manual adjustment of the scope or by way of cancelled reservations), are also released.