This program charges all fix services to the guest accounts (or group and client accounts etc. as applicable) as per the rate agreement in the reservation. It is usually incorporated in the schedule of the night audit, to be run on a daily basis. However, it can be started manually during the day as often as required. For security reasons, the Administrator password must be entered before starting the program.
TIP: In order to avoid faulty charges, use the Forecast packages-report to check the services to be posted prior to running this program.
When starting the program, SIHOT posts only those packages which were not posted previously on this day, i.e. newly checked in reservations etc. Any packages that have already been posted (e.g. with the Preposting function or Post packages in advance until) will be listed separately under the heading Previously posted packages, thus avoiding duplicate charges.
NOTE: The posting rhythm in the service/package master file determines whether or not a service/package is to be posted on the respective day.
After running the program, SIHOT issues a protocol with the posted charges. Sequence numbers followed by a plus-sign (+) were posted to the client account. Sequence numbers followed by a star-sign (*) were posted to the group account. Rates with a grey background are manual rates.