Posting charges manually

To charge a service or package manually to the guest or client account, proceed as follows:

Ø Click Posting  next to the respective listbox.

Figure 44: Posting charges to an account

SIHOT opens the Posting-dialog box.

Ø Select the service to be posted.

Ø Enter any additional data such as rate segment, the quantity or the amount to be charged.

Ø To change the default price of a service or package, click Edit  next to the field Amount and overwrite the amount accordingly.

Ø Click Posting.

Ø Post further charges or click Close to return to the account.

Figure 45: Manual service posting

When posting a package manually, up to five different person types can be entered. The rate and other details are automatically adjusted according to the person types entered, when tabbing to the next field.

In group, reservation and misc. accounts, these fields are displayed directly.

Ø To display the fields in individual guest and client accounts, click on the arrow next to the field Person group. The rate and other details are adjusted automatically when tabbing to the next field.

Figure 46: Specifying person types when posting a package