Package master files

Commissionable packages require the following settings:


    To package:

The commission is calculated based on the total package price.

    To components:

The commission in calculated on the commissionable components of the package only.

    Not possible:

The package is not commissionable

    Commission grouping:

If commission is applied on the package as a whole, specify a grouping that the rate holder’s entitlement will have to correspond with.

If commission will be paid based on the package’s components, the grouping of the individual services will apply automatically.

    Maximum commission:

If commission is paid on the entire package, enter the highest possible commission.

This field generally limits the commission, even if the percentage in the rate holder’s guest profile is higher. If the guest profile stipulates a higher commission, a notification will be displayed during the reservation process.

Figure 143: Commission on package rate

Figure 144: Commission on commissionable components