One-time posting within a package

The flag One-time posting within a package, which is given to a service on the component list, changes the way in which the revenue of a package is allocated to the different revenue accounts. In a “normal” package, the total package price is split by the number of days of stay and this revenue is distributed when posting the fix services. However, if the flag one-time posting is applied to one (or more) of the components, the full rate for this service is posted during the first night of the guest’s stay (the posting frequency is automatically adjusted to SO-Beginning of fix services).

This flag is useful in packages which include several days’ accommodation as well as one element that is charged only once at the beginning of the stay. It ensures that the ARR is affected as little as possible by distributing room and other revenues evenly over the length of stay.

For example: A package at the rate of € 600.00 includes 6 nights’ accommodation, breakfast for € 10.00 and a skiing ticket for € 150.00.

Without the flag One-time posting within a package, the rate of € 600.00 is split by six nights, i.e. a daily rate of € 100.00 is being posted each night. The allocation of revenue is as follows:

Revenue Allocation

1st day

2nd day

3rd day

4th day

5th day

6th day


€ 0.00

€ 90.00

€ 90.00

€ 90.00

€ 90.00

€ 90.00


€ 0.00

€ 10.00

€ 10.00

€ 10.00

€ 10.00

€ 10.00

Skiing Ticket

€ 100.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

With the flag One-time posting within a package, the price of the skiing ticket is deducted from the total package rate of € 600.00, leaving € 450.00 for 6 nights to be allocated to accommodation and breakfast.

Revenue Allocation

1st day

2nd day

3rd day

4th day

5th day

6th day


€ 65.00

€ 65.00

€ 65.00

€ 65.00

€ 65.00

€ 65.00


€ 10.00

€ 10.00

€ 10.00

€ 10.00

€ 10.00

€ 10.00

Skiing Ticket

€ 150.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

Figure 103: Defining a one-time charge within the package