Listbox configuration

You can permanently change the order of columns in a listbox by establishing different templates. You can assign a template to be used by all user groups or by specific user groups. Appropriate user rights are required to change the listbox configuration in such a way.

To establish a new template or to edit an existing template, proceed as follows:

Ø Activate the configuration mode in the menu Admin.

Ø Open the layout with the listbox to be configured.

Ø Arrange the columns as required.

Ø Click Diskette  next to the listbox.

Figure 58: Layout in configuration mode

SIHOT opens a dialog box containing templates for different configurations.

Ø To create a new template, click Add  next to the listbox.

Ø To amend an existing template, highlight the respective line and click Edit  next to the listbox.

Figure 59: Adding a new template

SIHOT opens a dialog box to define the template.

Ø Enter a name for the template in the field Description.

Ø Select the user group(s) who will be working with this template.

Ø The field Standard defines the following options:

    The listbox opens by default with this template. (Standard = Yes)

    The listbox opens in the standard configuration, however, users can call up this alternative template to be displayed instead. (Standard = No


Figure 60: Defining a template

Ø Deactivate the configuration mode.