How do I print contingency lists?

Which reports and lists you need in case of emergencies strictly depends on hotel policy and may vary from property to property and country to country. We can, therefore, provide just a recommendation based on common industry standards.

Contingency lists are only a small component of each hotel’s
own and individual emergency protocol!

The following lists are usually part of any contingency plan:

    In-house guests in room number

(menu Reports - Occupancy reports)

    In-house guest in alphabetical order

(menu Reports - Occupancy reports)

    Guest account list  

(menu Reports - Financial reports)


A special day-end schedule may be set up with all required contingency reports. In case of an emergency, the staff member responsible can simply start this schedule and deal with other important tasks while the reports are printing and/or a are being sent to an email address.

Figure 1: Contingency lists in an audit schedule

As the lists are taken several times throughout the day (for example, every 6 hours), the task scheduler is helpful in doing this automatically.