Guest selection (extended)

You can now easily export the search result. Click Export table in the function pane to create a txt-file that can be processed in different ways. For example, you can edit the data in Excel or import the file in another system. You can find the export file on your c:\ drive, in path

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\SIHOT\<hotelNr+hotelName>\guestSelection \guest_export.txt

For example:


The export file contains not only the columns in the Guest selection preview tab, but also private data and revenue figures. Please ensure your data security policy is observed when transmitting the file to a third party system.

Figure 117: Exporting a selection

Figure 118: Export-file opened with Excel


The guest selection includes a new tab and function: Set. This enables you to change settings in the guest profiles’ trails. For example, if you are sending out a new brochure, you select the respective trail in the tab Set. By clicking Set in the function bar, this trail will be set in all profiles in the current selection.

Figure 119: Setting guest characteristics in trails


You now have different options to include contact persons in company records. If you activate the toggle-button Separate record, SIHOT creates an individual data set for the/each contact person linked to the company profile.

Figure 120: Including contact persons in a selection of company profiles


You can now use the day, month and year of birth to create birthday lists or mailings.

Figure 121: Birthday list for the month of February