General registry-settings

The following registry keys can be used to customise the handling of the search & merge function:


Enable this key to prevent that guest profiles, whose first arrival date is sometime in the future, are being merged with existing profiles. This avoids accidental merging of profiles which haven not yet been completed and, therefore, may not be duplicates at all.


Use this key to limit the maximum number of duplicates to be processed in one go, thereby reducing the processing time and impact on the system’s performance during the operation. By default, the number of records to be processed is 1000. If 0 (= no limit), all duplicates will be processed.


If enabled, the toggle-button Show records flagged for deletion in the Search & merge layout is active by default. (This setting does not affect the automatic deletion of duplicates, which deletes only guest profiles that are not flagged for deletion.) 


These three keys determine the presetting in the Search & merge layout. They define the priority of the rules that determine which of the duplicate profiles is to be kept and which ones are to be merged. 00 defines the rule with the highest priority (= Priority 1), 02 the lowest (= Priority 3).


Use this key to include the merge information in the Front Office snapshot.