Export SAP (invoices)

The invoice export shows the sharers in a room, which are on the same invoice. Also, at the end of each invoice, there is a statistics of the guest types. 

Use registry key [9518] to enter the type of file to be created during the XSL-transformation. If the entry is left blank, SIHOT will automatically create a .csv file.

In addition, you can run a batch-script (e.g. exportSAP.bat) after the XSL-transformation from the directory etc\batch-srcipts.

The VAT and total amounts can be exported in a second currency, if required. This additional currency is defined under registry key [7912]. The value of the additional currency depends on the exchange rate at the time the invoice is created. A rounding factor for the additional currency is entered under registry key [7917] if different from the hotel’s rounding factor.

In an MPE environment, the SAP invoice export can be run for selected properties or all properties. Select the respective clients from the combobox. The current hotel is set as a default.