Events triggering an automatic activity (selected)


Activities for deposits are created when calling up the report Deposit control with the option Create automatic activity for unpaid deposits.

    Newly created profile assigned as client (parameter)

This activity can also be triggered in relation to the arrival or departure date. It also applies to event reservations.

    Option expired

Activities for expired options are created when calling up the report Options control with the option Create automatic activity for expired options. This program checks if an option date is the same as the hotel date.

    Processing of a reservation type in an event reservation changed to

Here, you can select a reservation type in the Parameter-field. If the reservation is changed to this reservation type, an automatic activity is triggered.

In addition, you can select a staff member in Parameter 2, so that the activity is triggered only if this staff member is one of the Operators responsible in the event reservation. With this setting, you can, for example, inform the sales person if “his” or “her” function was cancelled.