If you have worked with previous versions of SIHOT, you’ll find a number of things have changed. Apart from the brand new design, these are notably:
• Dialog – Layout
Dialogs are replaced by layouts which are altogether more flexible and can be customised more easily.
• Context menus are replaced by a function pane
Where you’ve previously called up a context menu with right-click, you will now find functions that relate to the particular task at hand in in the function pane in the right hand column of the layout.
• Information-on-demand
Use control and information buttons directly next to the respective object to call up other layouts or further details regarding the object. For example, click Search next to the Name-field or press Ctrl+F when in the field to call up the search layout.
• Faster operating speed by cutting automatisms
SIHOT does no longer automatically load a whole lot of data. You must, therefore, explicitly call up the required data, preferably by narrowing down the data you want SIHOT to display. This safes valuable resources within the application and makes it faster to work with.
• Changes are reflected immediately and everywhere
If you change data anywhere within a layout, you only need saving your changes once. The changes are immediately visible in other layouts and other working stations alike. For example, if you correct the spelling of a guest’s name in the profile, the same guests’ reservation that you have open in another tab changes instantly, as does the reservation in the room rack of your colleagues’ screen.