To create a new discount in the Discounts-layout, proceed as follows:
Ø Click Add next to the listbox.
SIHOT opens a dialog box to define the discount. The more parameters are selected, the more the application of the discount will be restricted.
• Date from - until:
These dates define the period during which the discount is valid.
• To be sold from - to:
These dates define the period during which the discount can be sold and reservations taken accordingly.
• Last name, first name:
In this field, you can select a particular guest or company entitled to the discount.
•Discount group:
Select a discount group that is entitled to the discount.
To define a discount code, click the toggle key next to the field. You can now enter a
free text (16 characters maximum).
Enter the percentage to be deducted from the service’s or package’s price.
• Tracking code
You can use a tracking code for performances analyses and forecasts. If the discount is applied to a reservation, the tracking code will appear in the expander Additional data, subexpander Promo code.
Ø Click New to save the discount.
Figure 175: Creating new discounts for discount groups and discount codes