City ledger - dues report

This report shows all invoices due. An invoice is “due” when the due date as per guest profile or Configuration accounts (menu Admin - Environment, Classic-client only) has been reached.

SIHOT sorts the invoices that are due alphabetically by Debtor.

Description of columns


Name, post code (ZIP) and City of the debtor according the debtor’s profile

Guest number, debtor number

Details for distinguishing debtors that may have the same name


Date on the invoice

Bill number

Invoice number or receipt number

Reservation number

Only for invoices of reservations settled with payment type Debtor


Invoice or payment amount


For part-payments on city ledger: payment amount rendered

Payment type

Settlement payment type or payment type on city ledger

External reference

E.g. credit card number


Highest level of reminder sent so far

Short text

Text entered with posting on city ledger account; credit cards: name of the invoice holder.


Name of the user (operator)


Figure 36: Due invoices report