This layout enables you to search specifically for debtors exceeding their credit limit.
The layout is called up in the Back Office menu.
Figure 6: City ledger credit control
The field Credit limit in the guest profile (tab Additional information, expander Account instructions) contains the individual clients’ limits that are to be taken into consideration for this calculation.
Figure 7: Setting the credit limit
The button Detailed credit control provides a full overview of the highlighted debtor’s outstanding invoices
Figure 8: Listing of city ledger invoices
To prevent a debtor from incurring any further city ledgers, proceed as follows:
Ø Highlight the respective entry or entries in the listbox and click Stop/invoice in the function bar.
SIHOT opens the dialog box Stop/invoice.
Ø Select Prepayment or Blacklist.
Ø Click OK to close the dialog box.
The field Stop/invoice in the guest profile will be adjusted accordingly.
Figure 9: Changing a debtor’s payment method