Change hotel date

When calling up the layout Night audit, the current hotel date is pre-set as the date for which the schedule is to be run. When running the program Change hotel date in the night audit, this date will be closed and the following date is set as the new hotel date.

If you enter a date in the future for running the schedule, the new hotel date will be set to one day after this date.   

A safety query appears every time before the program is carried out. Normally, you will confirm this query with Yes and thus change the hotel date.

The program Change hotel date must only be started once a day.

When running Change hotel date, SIHOT always checks when this batch started last, in order to prevent serious operational errors. The minimum period between running this program is six hours (or as specified in registry key [7933]). Users of  a standard use class will not be able to start the program earlier. Adminstrators and Superusers, however, will be able to start the program after confirming a safety query.