Cancelling a reservation with deposit

If a reservation with a deposit payment is cancelled, the reservation account must be balanced and closed. You can either refund the deposit or process the deposit according the hotel’s cancellation and no-show policy. A query will pop-up offering the following options:

    Cancel deposit invoice:

Return the deposit to the client using the same payment type that the deposit was rendered with. The refund is posted to the reservation account automatically.

If interfaced to an online payment system, the refund to the client’s credit or charge card will be carried out automatically.

If there is no such interface installed, the amount must be refunded manually with the PDQ-machine.

    Cancel deposit invoice using different payment type:

Return the deposit to the client and choose a payment type that is different from the one that the deposit was originally made with.

    Offset deposit:

Use the deposit to settle no-show or cancellation charges.

    Do not cancel deposit invoice:

Select this option for non-refundable deposits.

The selected option applies to all deposits that have not yet been reposted to a guest account.

NOTE: The same query will appear if the status of a reservation with deposit is changed to No-show.

Figure 101: Deposit processing options

Figure 102: Deposit cancelled and payment refunded in the reservation account