Cancel check-in

The function cancel check-in reverts the check-in of guests. A check-in can be cancelled only if there are no charges on either guest or client account. The room status will revert to the status of a departure.

You can cancel a check-in in different layouts:



Control Center

Ø Highlight the guest in the arrivals-listbox.

Ø Click Cancel check-in in the function pane.

This button appears only if the guest has just been checked in, before refreshing the layout.

Arrival summary

Ø Call up the reservation by entering the search parameters and click Search in the function pane.

Ø Highlight the guest in the listbox (search results).

Ø Click Cancel check-in in the function pane.

In house guests

Ø Highlight the guest in the listbox.

Ø Click Cancel check-in in the function pane.

Reservation layout

Ø Open the tab Rooming list.

Ø Highlight the guest in the listbox.

Ø Click Cancel check-in in the function pane.

Room rack

Ø Click the reservation in the room rack.

Ø Click Cancel check-in in the function pane.