Calling up an account

There are different ways to call up an account:




Ø Account-shortcut .

Ø Call up the account by entering the room number and click Search  or conduct a search with Search accounts in the function bar.

Control Center

Ø Highlight the guest in the listbox in the tab Guests in house or Departures.

Ø Click Account  next to the balance in the Account-expander or click Guest account or Client account in the function pane.

Reservation layout

Ø Open the tab Rooming list.

Ø Highlight the guest in the listbox.

Ø Open the expander Edit data.

Ø Click Account  next to the balance in the Account-expander or click Guest account or Client account in the function pane.

Room rack

Ø Click the reservation in the room rack.

Ø Click Guest account or Client account in the function pane.

To get a better overview of the charges and payments, resize the account windows as required.

Figure 35: Resizing account windows

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