Blocking rooms

You can block rooms on the room rack or in the Housekeeping-menu.

To block a room on the room rack, proceed as follows:

Ø Highlight the room on the room rack for the required period.

Ø Click Room OOO, Room OOI or Room OOS in the function pane.

SIHOT opens the respective dialog box to block a room.

Ø Change the housekeeping and maintenance status as per hotel policy.

Ø Enter the reason for blocking the room.

Ø Click Block.

A tooltip on the blocked room in the room rack shows the full reason why the room has been blocked.

Figure 9: Tooltip for blocked room in room rack

To block a number of rooms at the same time or for an extended period of time, use the respective layouts in the Housekeeping-menu. The procedure to block rooms OOO, OOI or OOS is the same in all three layouts.

Ø In the “unblocked”-tab , enter the rooms to be blocked and the period, or select a category as a search parameter.

Ø Click Search in the function bar.

Ø Highlight the rooms to be blocked in the listbox.

Ø Click Change status next to the listbox  or in the function bar.

SIHOT opens a dialog box to enter further details.

Ø Change the housekeeping and maintenance status as per hotel policy.

Ø Enter the reason for blocking the room.

Ø Click Block.

The blocked rooms now appear in the “blocked”-tab .

Figure 10: Blocking multiple rooms at the same time