Allotment occupancy

This report gives an overview of all allotments and their performance during a specified period.

Weekends are highlighted by a grey background, as are the days of the release period.

The line scope shows the current actual scope of the allotment, which may differ from the contracted allotment, e.g. when rooms not taken up before the release period have been released.

Under each allotment, there is a total with all rooms within the allotment and at the end of the report, there is a total adding up all rooms in all allotments.

Figure 41: Allotment occupancy report


With percentage

This flag also shows a percentage of the occupancy.

Occupied outside allotment

This flag also shows how many rooms the client has reserved apart from the ones in the allotment, i.e. reservations with a reservation type other than Allotment.

No categories

Use this flag for the statistics to list only a total for each allotment, without a breakdown in the individual categories.

No subtotals

Use this flag to omit the subtotal after the categories in each allotment.

No grand total

Use this flag to omit the total of all allotments at the end of the report.

Extended selection

Market segment

Select specific market segments to be shown in the report.

Status allotment/group

Select an allotment status for the report.